Board of Directors
MTC's Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors consists of an Executive Leadership Team consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer as well as 11 members at large. The number of Board members and the Executive Leadership Team is determined annually at the Annual General Meeting. This is a council of your peers, people who may live next door to you and have volunteered their time to serve on the Board.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Keith D'Souza
Vice President
Jason Todd
Nancey Yip
Marshall Lang
Darvin Zuch, Chris Fader, Shahzad Khan, Sheri Barclay, Ignatius Emeye, Jeff Josey
Debbie MacKinnon, Tania Cortes-Diaz, Shauna Sanheim, Joshua Samuel
Email president@mtcouncil.com for more information
Board Committees
Keith D'Souza
Vice President
Jason Todd
Nancey Yip
Marshall Lang
Finance & HR
Board Chair
Marshall Lang
Debbie McKinnon
Shahzad Khan
Keith D'Souza
Board Chair
Jeff Josey
Chris Fader
Debbie McKinnon
Ignatius Emeye
Nancey yip
Shauna Sanheim
Josh Samuel
Keith D'Souza
Comms & IT
Board Chair
Jason Todd
Darvin Zuch
Tania Cortes-Diaz
Keith D'Souza
Sheri Barclay
Board Chair
Nancey Yip
Jodi Morton-Parcey
Joellen Wickerson
Jeff Josey
Jennifer Dobson
Monthly Meetings
All McKenzie Towne Residents in Good Standing (Paid Current Annual Fee) are invited to attend and participate in McKenzie Towne Council monthly meetings. There is time allotted at each meeting for residents in attendance to speak. The public portion is held on the third Tuesday of each month, at 6:30 pm, at McKenzie Towne Hall. The official portion includes the private in-camera section and starts at 6:00 pm for Directors. Residents must check in with the front desk and show proof of residency. Requests to add agenda items will be considered and must be received at least one week in advance of the upcoming Board meeting.
Want to Become a Board Member?
Fill out the form below and email it to officeco@mtcouncil.com to apply!