Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Community Association the same as McKenzie Towne Council?
No, the Community Association is a volunteer organization dependent upon sponsorship and fundraising to operate. The Council is a not-for-profit company. The McKenzie Towne Council is incorporated under the Companies Act, with mandatory maintenance fees of all property owners and an assured source of revenue to fund its operations. The Community Association is involved in community matters (zoning issues, issues involving city officials, etc.), whereas the Council’s mandate revolves around providing the necessary resources to maintain McKenzie Towne’s amenities, hosting community events, and offering programs within the hall. For more information, visit: https://mckenzietownecommunityassociation.ca/ca-vs-ra/
Are all McKenzie Towne residents responsible to pay the McKenzie Towne Council fee annually?
Yes, all residents and property owners in McKenzie Towne have their title encumbered with the McKenzie Towne Council Encumbrance. Your fee to the McKenzie Towne Council is automatic and mandatory with the purchase of a McKenzie Towne home. These fees provide the necessary resources to maintain McKenzie Towne’s amenities.
MTC Current Articles of Association
Can I opt out of paying the Annual Fee?
No, by virtue of the Encumbrance, you are legally obligated to pay the fee.
Who collects the Annual Fee?
The Council’s fees are collected by McKenzie Towne Council staff.
How often are the Annual Fees collected?
Fees are collected annually. (Fiscal Year June 1 - May 31) Invoices will be mailed out to residents on June 1st and will have until June 30th to pay. After which, a late fee is added on for each passing month the Fee goes unpaid.
Where is the money collected from the Council spent?
Your maintenance fee funds the operation and administration of the Council, the maintenance of MTC owned amenities in City parks, landscaping and maintaining open space in the community and your access to services provided at the McKenzie Towne Hall. Audited financial Statements are sent to every Member prior to the Annual General Meeting.
What are the benefits to the residents of McKenzie Towne for paying the Council fees?
Residents benefit by having certain amenities and assets in their community. All of the amenities in McKenzie Towne are unique in nature as the developer put them into the community when it was built. The City of Calgary does not accept responsibility for their maintenance and would remove them if not for the Council taking care of them. Other benefits include enhanced maintenance of City parks and Boulevards.
How is the Council governed?
McKenzie Towne Council is governed via bylaws and a volunteer Board of Directors. The number of Board members is determined annually at the AGM.
Who elects the representatives for the Council and when does that occur?
The Members of the association elect their Board of Directors annually at the Annual General Meeting.
Is there a relationship between the Council and the municipal officials?
Not formally, although communications with both elected officials and administration does occur.
Are the residents of McKenzie Towne able to guide the Council in matters important to the residents?
The roles of the Council are limited to matters affecting the operation of the Council. Members can elect or defeat any Member standing for a Council Directorship, and in that way guide the direction of the Council.
How does a member of the McKenzie Towne Council become more involved in the Council?
Attending the Annual General Meeting is usually the best means; letting Directors know of your interest in matters relating to the Council is another.
How do you become a member of the McKenzie Towne Council?
An Encumbrance is registered on each lot ensuring that each homeowner automatically becomes a member of the MTC. Upon closing of a newly built property in McKenzie Towne, each homeowner must sign a copy of the McKenzie Towne Council brochure to acknowledge the provisions of the McKenzie Towne Amenities Agreement and the Articles of Association of McKenzie Towne Council.
Who should residents contact for more information?
McKenzie Towne Council, 40 McKenzie Towne Blvd S.E.
Phone Number: (403) 781-6612