Pet Bylaws
Respecting Neighbours Through Responsible pet ownership
Did you know that there are over 2,000 dogs in McKenzie Towne in 7145 homes? That’s why we have 30 dog bag stations placed throughout the community and we encourage dog owners to utilize these convenient stations. Continued use of these stations ensures our community pathways and sidewalks remain clean and safe for everyday use.
Pet owners must comply with the City of Calgary’s Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw. Whether you’re a pet owner or a non-pet owner, we are all neighbours and have an impact on each other’s lives. Effects can be through interactions such as personal connections, noises or smells. Pets are an extension of these interactions and the City of Calgary has outlined simple items cat and dog owners must ensure to follow.
The City of Calgary's Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw regulates animals in our city. This is a brief overview of the bylaw. Please refer to the actual bylaw for more detailed information. Original copies of the bylaw are available at the City Clerk's office.
With the addition of the Splash park at the Prestwick Common, there is no longer dogs allowed anywhere near the splash park. We do not want to contaminate the water system.
Below is information from the City of Calgary's website:

According to the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, cat owners must ensure their cats:​
Have a City of Calg​ary license.
Remain on the owner's property.
Do not disturb the peace by howling or crying.
Do not damage other's property.
Do not scatter garbage.
Do not chase, threaten, or attack a person or an animal.
According to the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, dog owners must ensure their dogs:​
Have and wear a City of Calgary lice​nse from when they are three months old.
Do not run at large. This means that dogs must be under control or on their owner's property.
Are on-leash at all times, unless posted signs indicate otherwise, or are in a securely fenced private yard.
Are under control in designated off-leash areas​​​​​​​​​. This means they must respond to sight and sound commands.
Do not:
Bite anyone
Injure anyone
Chase, threaten or attack a person or an animal
Bark, howl or disturb anyone
Cause damage to property or animals
Scatter garbage
Do not wander into:
School grounds
Sports fields
Golf courses
Wading or swimming areas
While on a pathway:
Are on a leash no longer than two meters.
Remain on the right-hand side of the pathway.
Do not interfere with or obstruct other users.
Are not left unattended while tethered.
Are only allowed to be transported in the back of a truck if the dog is in a fully enclosed trailer, a truck bed covered with a topper, contained in a ventilated kennel that is secured to the truck bed, or securely tethered and not standing on bare metal.
​According to the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, dog owners:
Bring along a suitable means to pick up feces.
Pick up all feces produced by their dog both on and off their property.
Do not cycle, skateboard or in-line skate with a dog on a leash while on a pathway.
Because these bylaws exist, it empowers us to keep each other accountable to a common code. Everyone has the right to have their person and property be respected. When pet bylaws are not adhered to, owners are exposed. Fines for failing to comply with the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw range from $25 to $1,500.
Filing a complaint
If you know of a bylaw infraction and would like to report it to Animal & Bylaw Services, please call 3-1-1 (from within Calgary)
or 403-268-CITY (2489) (from outside Calgary).