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Volunteer Opportunities

Become a Volunteer

Join our community of likeminded neighbours and attend MTC's amazing events! This is a low-commitment and high-reward opportunity to gain volunteer experience, give back, and get involved. 

Apply today to join our volunteer mailing list. Don't worry if you cannot attend all events or volunteer nights, we just ask that you do what you can!


Volunteer Nights

MTC hosts a volunteer night once each month to discuss upcoming volunteer opportunities we have. These nights are no-commitment and a great way to meet your neighbours. Topics discussed include upcoming events, opportunities to volunteer at these events, community engagement, and community outreach.

Email all questions to or call 403-781-6612 ext. 3

Meetings begin at 6:30pm

Please no unaccompanied minors.

40 McKenzie Towne Blvd SE, Calgary

Volunteer Application

Which Events Are You Interested In?
Indicate Your Area of Expertise
How did you hear about this volunteer opportunity?
Upload File
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Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

Email all volunteering questions to
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